Jiawei Hou

I’m a fourth-year Ph.D. student majoring in Computer Science at School of Computer Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
I am advised by Prof.Xiangyang Xue and co-advised by Prof.Yanwei Fu and Prof.Taiping Zeng.
Prior to this, I received my bachelor’s degree in School of Computer Science from Tianjin University in June 2021.

I'm presently working on Robotics, Scene Representation, and 3D Computer Vision. Previously, I worked on perception and simultaneous localization and mapping for autonomous driving.

Email: jwhou23@m.fudan.edu.cn


equal contribution, *: co-corresponding author

TaMMa: Target-driven Multi-subscene Mobile Manipulation

Jiawei Hou, Tianyu Wang, Tongying Pan, Shouyan Wang, Xiangyang Xue, Yanwei Fu.
CoRL, 2024
Webpage  •   Paper

Topo-Field: Topometric mapping with Brain-inspired Hierarchical Layout-Object-Position Fields

Jiawei Hou, Wenhao Guan, Longfei Liang, Jianfeng Feng, Xiangyang Xue, Taiping Zeng.
Webpage  •   Code   •   Code

FastOcc: Accelerating 3D Occupancy Prediction by Fusing the 2D Bird's-Eye View and Perspective View

Jiawei Hou, Xiaoyan Li, Wenhao Guan, Gang Zhang, Di Feng, Yuheng Du, Xiangyang Xue, Jian Pu.
ICRA, 2024
Paper  •  

VPL-SLAM: A Vertical Line Supported Point Line Monocular SLAM System

Qi Chen, Yu Cao, Jiawei Hou, Guanghao Li, Shoumeng Qiu, Bo Chen, Xiangyang Xue, Hong Lu, Jian Pu.
Paper  •  

A Visual Foundation Model of Image Segmentation for Power Systems

Nannan Yan, Wenhao Guan, Xiao Yu, Jiawei Hou*, Taiping Zeng*.
IEEECyber, 2024
Paper  •  

SUPS: A Simulated Underground Parking Scenario Dataset for Autonomous Driving

Jiawei Hou, Qi Chen, Yurong Cheng, Guang Chen, Xiangyang Xue, Taiping Zeng, Jian Pu.
ITSC, 2022
Code   •   Paper  •  


Fudan University

School of Computer Science
2021.09 - Present   •   Ph.D. Student
Research Advisor: Prof. Xiangyang Xue

Neuhelium Neuromorphic Intelligence Tech.

Service Robotics
2023.12 - Present   •   Head of R&D
Mentor: RSR. Longfei Liang

YOFO Robot

Auto Welding
2024.08 - Present   •   Head of R&D
Mentor: Dr. Zhenfeng Sun (CEO of YOFO Robot)

Mogo Auto

3D Perception
2022.11 - 2024.05   •   R&D Intern
Mentor: Dr. Gang Zhang

FAW (Nanjing) Technology Development Company Ltd.

Mapping and Localization
2021.08 - 2023.10   •   R&D Intern
Mentor: Dr. Guang Chen

Tianjin University

College of Intelligence and Computing
2017.09 - 2021.06   •   Undergraduate student
Research Advisor: Dr. Junhai Xu